Orders for delivery to Guernsey or Jersey will have the VAT automatically removed from the order.
Our system will remove the VAT from the order when you add the Guernsey or Jersey postcode to your delivery address.
If you have an EU VAT Number, you can add this to your order during checkout, and VAT will be removed from the order.
All VAT numbers are checked by VIES VAT number validation. If the VAT Number is incorrect, VAT will be added to your order.
Note — Delivery must be to the company or address registered against the VAT Number.
For VAT 407 Claims (VAT to be paid and re-claimed later), customers are eligible if they are visiting the UK and live outside of the EU or if they are EU residents and are leaving the EU for more than 12 months.
Eligible customers can only claim back VAT charges on goods when they leave the EU and only for goods purchased three months before leaving the EU.
The customer must complete the form and include:
They must also sign and date the form.
You can either get paid immediately at a refund booth, for example, at the airport or send the approved form with copies of the invoices to TLC at the following address:
TLC VAT ClaimIf no customs officials are available, you can leave your form in a customs post box. Customs will check it and contact your supplier to arrange the refund if everything is in order.
For refunds, please supply:
Note — A refund cheque can only be sent to a UK address.
If a UK address is not available, please supply your bank account details and we can make a refund by direct bank transfer.
Bank account information required:
For more information, visit the official customs website.
Please send an email to sales@tlc-direct.co.uk with details of your requirements so we can guide you through the process.