Steinel XLED Spots - External Wall Lighting
Bluetooth 4.0
Particular fittings can be interconnected via Bluetooth
4.0 to any of Steinels other Bluetooth products such
as the Cubo range and others from the STX LED range.
To be controlled via the Steinel app.
Please Note:
STXLEDS1C - Bluetooth 4.0 Master or Slave. With Sensor. All can be Wirelessly Linked Via App.
STXLEDS2C - Bluetooth 4.0 Master or Slave. With Sensor. All can be Wirelessly Linked Via App.
STXLEDSG1C - Bluetooth 4.0 Master or Slave. With Sensor. All can be Wirelessly Linked Via App.
STXLEDSB1C - Bluetooth 4.0 Master or Slave. With Sensor. All can be Wirelessly Linked Via App.
STXLEDS1 - Non Bluetooth. Sensor. Wired Interconnection.
STXLEDS2 - Non Bluetooth. Sensor. Wired Interconnection.
STXLEDS1S - Non Bluetooth. Non Sensor. Wired Interconnection.
STXLEDSG1NM - Non Bluetooth, Nightmatic (Photocell). Wired Interconnection.
STXLEDSB1NM - Non Bluetooth, Nightmatic (Photocell). Wired Interconnection.