125A kWh MID Meter - Integral Pack
Integral meter kit is available for the Meter Ready boards, consisting of:
A multi functional digital meter with kWh, Amps and Volts readout.
A DIN Rail mounting plate and fixings to assemble in position.
3 Current transformers-DIN Rail mounted & 3 protection fuses.
A complete manufactured numbered wiring loom, connections and Installation instructions
The meter ready boards still accept add on option extension enclosures if required.
MID approval
Under the Electricity Act 1989 all electricity meters used for billing purposes must be approved.
The approval for these meters is obtained by conforming to the European Measuring Instruments
Directive (MID).
Who should be using MID certified meters?
By Law, anyone who is taking a meter reading that is then used for billing purposes
and for which they subsequently receive a payment from the user for the electricity consumed.
Some typical examples:
A Retail shopping centre owner wants to measure the individual consumption of all the store owners in his shopping mall
and send them separate invoices for the electricity that each has used to run their business.
A Landlordwho wants to measure the electricity used by tenants renting apartments in his building
and then send them a bill for the electricity they have used.
A caravan/mobile home Leisure Park wants to measure the consumption of its customers and
charge them an exact amount for the electricity used at the end of their rental period.
Helping installations meet the Requirements of Building Regulation Part L2.