The CXL Combination Storage Heater is the largest
of the range with an input rating of 3.4kW.
Key Features
Provides a continuous source of warmth, primarily
from cheap off peak electricity.
Convector elements give completely silent top
up heating.
Convector thermostat can be set to maintain constant
room temperatures and automatically switch on
as necessary.
Storage heater controls and components based on
the market leading XL range includes reliable
manual input control and room temperature boost
to make optimum use of the heat stored.
Conveniently positioned convector controls on
the front panel.
Lower convector loadings selectable by installer.
For stability and safety heater must be supported
on the feet provided and securely fixed to a wall.
Standard Warranty
12 months
Supply Connection
Located at front right hand end of base -accessible
by removal of front panel assembly. Hidden cable
support straps at rear of heater allow neat supply
cable connection from either side of heater.
Construction Details
Galvanised finish sheet steel base, mounted on
steel feet, supporting double skin front and outer
panels. One piece front panel/grille assembly
and front inner skin remove for brick loading.
Assembly Information
Remove front panel assembly then front inner skin.
Remove internal packing containing elements, position
rear layer of bricks, heating elements and front
layer of bricks.