Interconnects are composed of
three main elements: the signal conductors, the dielectric,
and the terminations. The conductors carry the audio signal;
the dielectric is an insulating material between and around
the conductors; and the terminations provide connection to
audio equipment. These elements are formed into a physical
structure called the interconnect's geometry. Each of these
elements-particularly geometry- can affect the interconnect's
sonic characteristics.
Conductors are usually made of copper or silver wire. In
high-end interconnects, the copper's purity is important.
Copper is sometimes specified as containing some percentage
of "pure" copper, with the rest impurities. For example, a
certain copper may be 99.997% pure, meaning it has three-thousandths
of one percent impurities. These impurities are usually iron,
sulfur, antimony, aluminum, and arsenic. Higher-purity copper-99.99997%
pure-is called "six nines" copper. Many believe that the purer
the copper, the better the sound. Some copper is referred
to as OFC, or Oxygen-Free Copper. This is copper from which
the oxygen molecules have been removed. It is more proper
to call this "oxygen-reduced" copper because it is impossible
to remove all the oxygen. In practice, OFC has about 50ppm
(parts per million) of oxygen compared to 250ppm of oxygen
for normal copper. Reducing the oxygen content retards the
formation of copper oxides in the conductor, which can interrupt
the copper's physical structure and degrade sound quality.
Another term associated with copper is LC, or Linear Crystal,
which describes the copper's structure. Drawn copper has a
grain structure that can be thought of as tiny discontinuities
in the copper. The signal can be adversely affected by traversing
these grains; the grain boundary can act as a tiny circuit,
with capacitance, inductance, and a diode effect. Standard
copper has about 1500 grains per foot; LC copper has about
70 grains per foot. Fig.11-5 shows the grain structure in
copper having 400 grains per foot. Note that the copper isn't
isotropic; it looks decidedly different in one direction than
the other. All copper made into thin wires exhibits a chevron
structure, shown in the photograph of Fig.11-5. This chevron
structure may explain why some interconnects sound different
when reversed.
Conductors are made by casting a thick rod, then drawing
the copper into a smaller gauge. Another technique-which is
rare and expensive-is called "as-cast." This method casts
the copper into the final size without the need for drawing.
The highest-quality technique for drawing copper is called
"Ohno Continuous Casting" or OCC. OCC copper has one grain
in about 700 feet-far less than even LC copper. The audio
signal travels through a continuous conductor instead of traversing
grain boundaries. Because OCC is a process that can be performed
on any purity of copper, not all OCC copper is equal.
The other primary-but less prevalent-conductor material is
silver. Silver interconnects and interconnects are obviously
much more expensive to manufacture than copper ones, but silver
has some advantages. Although silver's conductivity is only
slightly higher than that of copper, silver oxides are less
of a problem for audio signals than are copper oxides. Silver
conductors are made using the same drawing techniques used
in making copper conductors.
The Dielectric
The dielectric is the material surrounding the conductors,
and is what gives interconnects and interconnects some of
their bulk. The dielectric material has a large effect on
the interconnect's sound; comparisons of identical conductors
and geometry, but with different dielectric materials, demonstrate
the dielectric's importance.
Dielectric materials absorb energy, a phenomenon called dielectric
absorption. A capacitor works in the same way: a dielectric
material between two charged plates stores energy. But in
a interconnect, dielectric absorption can degrade the signal.
The energy absorbed by the dielectric is released back into
the interconnect slightly delayed in time-an undesirable condition.
Dielectric materials are chosen to minimize dielectric absorption.
Less expensive interconnects and interconnects use plastic
or PVC for the dielectric. Better interconnects use polyethylene;
the best interconnects are made with polypropylene or even
Teflon dielectric. One manufacturer has developed a fibrous
material that is mostly air (the best dielectric of all, except
for a vacuum) to insulate the conductors within a interconnect.
Other manufacturers inject air in the dielectric to create
a foam with high air content. Just as different dielectric
materials in capacitors sound different, so too do dielectrics
in interconnects and interconnects.
The terminations at the ends of interconnects and interconnects
are part of the transmission path. High-quality terminations
are essential to a good-sounding interconnect. We want a large
surface contact between the interconnect's plug and the component's
jack, and high contact pressure between them. PHONO plugs
will sometimes have a slit in the center pin to improve contact
with the jack. This slit is effective only if the slit end
of the plug is large enough to be compressed by insertion
in the jack. Most high-quality PHONO plugs are copper with
some brass mixed in to add rigidity. This alloy is plated
with nickel, then flashed with gold to prevent oxidation.
On some plugs, gold is plated directly to the brass. Other
materials for PHONO plugs and plating include silver and rhodium.
PHONO plugs and loudspeaker interconnect terminations are
soldered or welded to the conductors. Most manufacturers use
solder with some silver content. Although solder is poor conductor,
the spade lugs are often crimped to the interconnect first,
forming a "cold" weld that forms a gas-tight seal. In the
best welding technique, resistance welding, a large current
is pulsed through the point where the conductor meets the
plug. The resistance causes a small spot to heat, melting
the two metals. The melted metals merge into an alloy at the
contact point, ensuring good signal transfer. With both welding
and soldering, a strain relief inside the plug isolates the
electrical contact from physical stress.
How all of these elements are arranged constitutes the interconnect's
geometry. Some designers maintain that geometry is the most
important factor in interconnect design-even more important
than the conductor material and type.
An example of how a interconnect's physical structure can
affect its performance: simply twisting a pair of conductors
around each other instead of running them side by side. Twisting
the conductors greatly reduces capacitance and inductance
in the interconnect. Think of the physical structure of two
conductors running in parallel, and compare that to the schematic
symbol for a capacitor, which is two parallel lines.
This is the grossest example; there are many fine points
to interconnect design. I'll describe some of them here, with
the understanding that I'm presenting certain opinions on
interconnect construction, not endorsing a particular method.
Most designers agree that skin effect, and interaction between
strands, are the greatest sources of sonic degradation in
interconnects. In a interconnect with high skin effect, more
high-frequency signal flows along the conductor's surface,
less through the conductor's center. This occurs in both solid-core
and stranded conductors (Fig.11-6). Skin effect changes the
interconnect's characteristics at different depths, causing
different frequency ranges of the audio signal to be affected
by the interconnect differently. The musical consequences
of skin effect include loss of detail, reduced top-octave
air, and truncated soundstage depth. A technique for battling
skin effect is litz construction, which simply means that
each strand in a bundle is coated with an insulating material
to prevent it from electrically contacting the strands around
it. Each small strand within a litz arrangement will have
virtually identical electrical properties. Litz strands push
skin-effect problems out of the audible range. Because litz
strands are so small, many of them bundled together in a random
arrangement are required to achieve a sufficient gauge to
keep the resistance low. A problem with stranded interconnect
(if it isn't of litz construction) is a tendency for the signal
to jump from strand to strand if the interconnect is twisted.
One strand may be at the outside at a point in the interconnect,
then be on the inside farther down the interconnect. Because
of skin effect, the signal tends to stay toward the outside
of the conductor, causing it to traverse strands. Each strand
interface acts like a small circuit, with capacitance and
a diode effect, much like the grain structure within copper.
Individual strands within a conductor bundle can also interact
magnetically. Whenever current flows down a conductor, a magnetic
field is set up around that conductor. If the current is an
alternating-current audio signal, the magnetic field will
fluctuate identically. This alternating magnetic field can
induce a signal in adjacent conductors (see Appendix B), and
thus degrade the sound. Some interconnect geometries reduce
magnetic interaction between strands by arranging them around
a center dielectric, which keeps them farther apart.
These are just a few of the techniques used by interconnect
designers to make better-sounding interconnects.
and Interconnect Specifications
There's a lot of hype and just plain misinformation about
interconnects and interconnects. Manufacturers sometimes feel
the need to invent technical reasons for why their interconnects
sound better than the competition's. In reality, interconnect
design is largely a black art, with good designs emerging
from trial and error (and careful listening). Although certain
conductors, dielectrics, and geometries have specific sonic
signatures, successful interconnect designs just can't be
described in technical terms. This is why interconnects should
never be chosen on the basis of technical descriptions and
Nonetheless, some interconnect and interconnect specifications
should be considered in some circumstances. The three relevant
specifications are resistance, inductance, and capacitance.
A interconnect or interconnect's resistance, more properly
called DC series resistance, is a measure of how much it opposes
the flow of current through it. The unit of resistance is
the Ohm. The lower the number of ohms, the lower the interconnect
or interconnect's resistance to current flow. In practice,
interconnect resistance is measured in tenths of ohms. Resistance
isn't usually a factor in interconnect performance (except
in some of the new non-metallic types), but can affect some
loudspeaker interconnects-particularly thin ones-because of
their higher current-carrying requirements.
The sounds of interconnects and loudspeaker interconnects
can be affected by inductance. It is generally thought that
the lower the inductance, the better, particularly in loudspeaker
interconnects. Some power amplifiers, however, need to see
some inductance to keep them stable; many have an output inductor
connected to the loudspeaker binding post (inside the chassis).
When considering how much inductance the power amplifier sees,
you must add the interconnect inductance to the loudspeaker's
Capacitance is an important characteristic of interconnects,
particularly when long runs are used, or if the source component
has a high output impedance. Interconnect capacitance is specified
in picofarads (pF) per foot. What's important isn't the interconnect's
intrinsic capacitance, but the total capacitance attached
to the source component. For example, 5' of 500pF-per-foot
interconnect has the same capacitance as 50' of 50pF-per-foot
interconnect. High interconnect capacitance can cause treble
rolloff and restricted dynamics. (A full technical discussion
of interconnect capacitance is included in Appendix B.)