Introduction |
The following Guide is based on BS5839 Part 1 on the
design and installation of Fire Alarm Systems for general
applications. It is intended as a reference only, and
not a replacement for BS5839 part 1.
When is a Fire Alarm System Required ? |
There are various statutory documents covering
the need for fire protection in various types of premises.
The principle documents are: |
Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 |
Fire Certificates (Special Premises) regulations
1976 |
Factories Act 1971 |
Offices, Shops and Railway Premises Act
1963 |
Private Places of Entertainment Act 1967 |
Precautions (Workplace) Regulations 1997 |
The Fire Precautions Act 1971
Under this Act, all shops irrespective of
staff numbers and contents must have: |
Adequate means of escape while an employee
is in the premises (unlocked doors and unobstructed access
to them) |
Appropriate means for fighting fire provided
and maintained |
A Fire Certificate must be obtained from
the Fire Authority for premises in which: |
More than 20 persons are employed at any
one time |
More than 10 persons are employed
at any one time other than on the ground floor |
The shop employees are working in the same
building as others and the total in all the premises exceeds
20 or 10 elsewhere other than on the ground floor |
Highly flammable or explosive materials
are stored or used |
Sleeping Accommodation is provided |
A Hotel or Boarding House contains sleeping accommodation
for 6 or more people, which includes staff and guests,
or a Hotel or Boarding House that sleeps a member of
staff or any guests above the first floor or below the
ground floor.
The majority of Industrial and Commercial
premises therefore require a Fire Alarm System with legislation
both nationally and locally covering a large proportion
of the various types of buildings and their requirements. |
Automatic Fire Detection will normally be
required in premises with: |
Flammable or Explosive materials are used
or stored |
Where people are sleeping as part of the
premises business activity eg: Hotels, Nursing Homes,
Hospitals etc |
When the premises has special evacuation
problems eg: disabled and elderly persons, cellars and
high buildings |
All of the above will probably need some
degree of Automatic Fire Detection to obtain a Fire Certificate,
however with the new Fire Precautions (Workplace) Regulations
1997 it is not always necessary to apply for a certificate.
CAUTION - You almost certainly must have a Fire certificate
OR must comply to the regulations. |
The Fire Precautions (Workplace) Regulations
These new regulations came into force on
1st December 1997 and have an important message
for those responsible for ownership/management of a property
where persons are employed. |
Unfortunately there are numerous interpretations
placed on the regulations and some places are exempted
because they are already covered by other legislation
or already hold a Fire Certificate.
[1] |
To understand the detailed application to
your own requirements please contact the following: |
1) |
For advice on Fire Detection
and Fire Alarm System Requirements,
contact Photain Controls plc |
2) |
For copies
of the regulations contact: The Stationary Office |
Tel: 0171 873 9090 - Fax: 0171 873 8200 |
The important points to note are as follows: |
1 |
and it will no longer be the responsibility of others,
eg: the Fire Service to proscribe to employers the measures
to be taken to minimise risk. The Fire Service will,
however, continue to provide advice and guidance relating
to Fire Precautions. |
2 |
The risk assessment requirements of the
1992 Health and Safety Regulations are extended to include
fire risk. Fire precautions are to be based upon the
risk assessment. |
2a |
Employers must inform their employees of
the results of the risk assessment |
3 |
Employers must provide appropriate means
for detecting a fire, raising a fire alarm and for fire
fighting. What is considered appropriate will depend
upon the size and the nature of the premises, the number
of people present and activities undertaken. Current
British Standards such as BS5839 Part 1 1988 provide guidance
to system design requirements. |
4 |
Employers must provide emergency routes
and exits for use in case of fire. These must be kept
clear, be available in an emergency and be provided with
emergency lighting if requiring illumination. |
5 |
Equipment provided to warn of fire, fight
fire and to aid escape from fire must be suitably maintained
in good working order. |
6 |
Where fire fighting measures are necessary,
employees must be adequately trained and equipped. |
7 |
If employers fail to meet their obligations, the Fire
Service has the responsibility for enforcement by means
of a series of procedures dependant upon the seriousness
of the situation. |
Consultation |
It is always advisable to consult the Local Fire Prevention
Officer at an early stage, regarding the legislation covering
a particular premises. The Fire Officer will interpret
the Fire Precautions Act or any other act covering a particular
premises and advise on the particular type of Fire Alarm
System that may be required. |
It must be remembered that the Fire Prevention Officer
is concerned with LIFE, his concern for property is secondary. |
We would advise that you only consult with a Fire Prevention
Officer with the clients consent. |
When designing a Fire Alarm System, it is important
to consult with all other interested parties, for example: |
The Local Fire Authority
The System Installer
The Health and Safety Officer
Any Consultant or Architect
The Insurance Company
During early discussions it is important to establish
the purpose of the Fire Alarm System, ie: |
A) To enhance the safety of the occupants
B) To minimise damage to the property
Whilst Insurance Companies give good discounts to clients
who fit sprinkler systems the fitting of complex Fire
Detection Systems seldom lead to a reduction in premiums
sufficient to encourage a client to fit a Fire Alarm System
for property protection. The vast bulk of Fire Alarm
Systems fitted are normally for the protection of Life. |
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