A pond is not just a pool of water
in your lawn, it's a home for plants and animals. Childhood
ponds of your youth may be remembered for being green,
but with Hozelock Cyprio your pond can be perfect.
The two most popular elements to
pondkeeping and the thing that draws people to having
a pond are Fish and Plants.
Without fish or plants a pond is
robbed of life, movement and interest.
Pond size
Max fish (CM /inches)
Max flow rate
_(500gal) |
/ _50 inches |
_(250gal) |
(1000gal) |
/ 100 inches |
_(500gal) |
(1500gal) |
/ 150 inches |
(750gal) |
(2000gal) |
/ 200 inches |
(1000gal) |
11500L (2500gal) |
/ 250 inches |
(1250gal) |
14000L (3000gal) |
/ 300 inches |
(1500gal) |
16000L (3500gal) |
/ 350 inches |
(1750gal) |
18000L (4000gal) |
/ 400 inches |
(2000gal) |
23000L (5000gal) |
1265cm / 500 inches |
11500L (2500gal) |
27000L (6000gal) |
1485cm / 600 inches |
13500L (3000gal) |
32000L (7000gal) |
1760cm / 700 inches |
16000L (3500gal) |
Fish stocking level based on
not more than
55cm per 1000 litres of pond volume (100"
per 1000 gallons).
Assumes fish at an average of 150mm (6")