The previous section described the process of selecting and
specifying the telephone system. This section will deal, in
general terms with the installation process. Each system will
have its own special requirements and it is important that
the installing engineer know these before beginning the installation.
Before the installation proper can begin it is necessary to
ensure that the equipment required is available and ideally
tested and known to be operable.
With a large system installation there will be several engineering
staff involved. These people should be briefed before the
start of the job so that each one knows how the system is
to be installed, which areas they will be responsible for
and how each of the areas is associated with the system as
a whole.
At the end of the briefing all of the team should know what
they are required to do and the timescales involved.
When installing a system, especially when replacing an existing
system, the disruption cased to the customer must be kept
to a minimum and the introduction of the new system made as
smoothly as possible from the point of view of the users.
In premises which are undergoing renovation or still under
construction it will normally be possible to liaise with the
contractors and schedule the work for the system around their
work or be given time after they have finished before the
customer moves in.
In premises which are already in use scheduling will become
more difficult. With a small system it may be possible to
work during normal operating hours. When installing a large
system then the work will need to be conducted outside the
customers normal business hours or over a weekend or holiday
close down.
Scheduling is very important and must be agreed by both vendor
and customer. Many stories exist about conflict between installers
and customers when the work has disrupted the normal flow
of business.
The installation will normally be the responsibility of the
vendor. However they may use their own staff or subcontract
the installation.
Whoever does the work must be familiar with the requirements
of the system and the equipment being installed. This usually
requires that they have been trained by the manufacturer.
They must comply with or exceed the current standards in force
governing the quality control of their work.
No matter which option is used there should always be supervision
by a member of staff from the vendor to ensure that the installation
is going as planned and to deal with any problems directly.
Their job is to provide a central point of contact between
the customer and the installers.