16th Edition (reference only) – NOW superseded by the 17th Edition IEE Regulations.

chapter 5

chapter 6

The IEE Regulations, BS 7671, and this Guide
  1.1 - This Electricians Guide
  1.2 - The lEE Regulations
  1.3 - The rationale for this guide


Plan of the Sixteenth Edition

The regulations are in seven parts as shown in {Table 1.1}

Table 1.1 - Arrangement of the 16th Edition Parts

Part 1 - Scope, objects and fundamental requirements for safety
Part 2 - Definitions
Part 3 - Assessment of general characteristics
Part 4 - Protections for safety
Part 5 - Selection and erection of equipment
Part 6 - Special installation or locations – particular requirements
Part 7 - Inspection and testing

Also included in the Regulations are six Appendices, listed in {Table 1.2}. Unlike the 15th Edition, which was complete in itself, the 16th Edition has a number of publications called 'Guides' which include much material previously to he found in Appendices. These Guides must he considered to form part of the Regulations; their titles are shown in {Table 1.3

Table 1.2 - Appendices to the 16th Edition

Appendix 1 - British Standards to which reference is made in The Regulations
Appendix 2 - Statutory regulations and associated memoranda
Appendix 3 - Time/current characteristics of overcurrent protective devices.
Appendix 4 - Current carrying capacities and voltage drop for cables and flexible cords
Appendix 5 - Classification of external influences
Appendix 6 - Forms of Completion and Inspection certificate

It is important to understand the relationship of the Appendices and of the Guidance Notes. Appendices provide information which the designer must have if his work is to comply with the Regulations. Other information, such as good practice, is contained in the Guidance Notes. Publication of the On-Site Guide, together with the first six of the Guidance Notes has resulted in minor changes and additions to The Electricians' Guide. This Edition includes these changes. Further changes will be made when the final Guidance Note is published by the lEE.

It is also important to have an understanding of the layout of the Regulations, so that work can be clearly identified. Each Part is divided into Chapters, which in turn are broken down into Sections, and then into Groups or Sub-sections, within which are to be found the actual regulations themselves. The particular regulation is identified by a number, such as 471-13-03. Note that this Regulation number is spoken as 'four seven one dash one three dash zero three' and NOT as 'four hundred and seventy one dash thirteen dash three'

Table 1.3 - Guides and Guidance Notes to the Regulations

1 - On-site guide
2 - Selection and erection

3 - Isolation and switching
4 - Inspection and testing
5 - Protection against fire
6 - Protection against electric shock
7 - Protection against overcurrents
8 - Special installations and locations

Note that whenever a group of digits is separated by a hyphen, the numbers represent a regulation; they are further identified in this Guide by placing them in square brackets, eg [471-13-03]. The apparent duplication of work within the Regulations may seem to be strange, but is necessary if the internationally agreed layout is to be followed.

Part 4 Protection for safety

Chapter 47 Application of protective measures for safety
471 Protection against electric shock
Group 471-13 Special provisions and exemptions
Regulation 471-13~3 Areas reserved for skilled or instructed persons

The international nature of the Regulations sometimes provides some strange reading. For example, regulations [413-02-21 to 413-02-26] deal with systems which are earthed using the IT method, described in {5.2.6} of this Electrician's Guide. However, such a system is not accepted for public supplies in the UK and is seldom used except in conjunction with private generators.



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Extracted from The Electricians Guide Fifth Edition
by John Whitfield

Published by EPA Press Click Here to order your Copy.

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