5.7.2 - Requirements
for earthed concentric wiring
Earthed concentric wiring may only be used
under very special conditions, which usually involve the
use of a private transformer supply or a private generating
plant. Since there is no separate path for earth currents,
it follows that residual current devices (RCDs) will not
be effective and therefore must not be used. The cross-sectional
area of the sheath (neutral and earth conductor) of a cable
used in such a system must never be less than 4 mm² copper,
or 16 mm² aluminium or less than the inner core for a single
core cable. All multicore copper mineral insulated cables
comply with this requirement, even a I mm² two core cable
having the necessary sheath cross-sectional area. However,
only single core cables of 6 mm² and below may be used.
The combined protective and neutral conductors (sheaths)
of such cables must not serve more than one final circuit.
Wherever a joint becomes necessary in the
PEN conductor, the contact through the normal sealing pot
and gland is insufficient; an extra earth tail must be used
as shown in {Fig 5.19}. If it becomes necessary to separate
the neutral and protective conductors at any point in an
installation, they must not be connected together again
beyond that point.
Fig 5.19 Earth tail seal for use in earthed
concentric wiring