5.6.3 - Broken neutral conductor
The neutral of a supply is often common
to a large number of installations. In the (unlikely) event
of a broken neutral, all the consumers on the load side
of the break could have a combined neutral and earth potential
of the same level as the phase system (240 V to earth).
This situation could be very dangerous, because all earthed
metalwork would be at 240 V above the potential of the general
mass of earth.
To prevent such an event, the Electricity
Supply Company connects its combined neutral and earth conductor
to earth electrodes at frequent intervals along its run.
Whilst this does not entirely remove the danger, it is much
reduced. For example, the assumed earth resistance values
of {Fig 5.18} show that the maximum possible potential to
earth in this case would be 96 V. In practice, much lower
resistance values for the earth connections will reduce
this voltage. The Electricity Supply Company goes to very
great lengths to ensure the integrity of its neutral conductor.
Fig 5.18 Danger due to broken neutral
in a PME system