3.6.1 - Introduction
'Overcurrent' means what it says - a greater
level of current than the materials in use will tolerate
for a long period of time. The term can be divided into
two types of excess current.
1 Overload currents
These are currents higher than those intended to be
present in the system. If such currents persist they will
result in an increase in conductor temperature, and hence
a rise in insulation temperature. High conductor temperatures
are of little consequence except that the resistance of
the conductor will be increased leading to greater levels
of voltage drop.
Insulation cannot tolerate high temperatures
since they will lead to deterioration and eventually failure.
The most common insulation material is p.v.c. If it becomes
too hot it softens, allowing conductors which press against
it (and this will happen in all cases where a conductor
is bent) to migrate through it so that they come close to,
or even move beyond, the insulation surface. For this reason,
p.v.c. insulation should not normally run at temperatures
higher than 70°C, whereas under overload conditions it may
have allowable temperatures up to 115°C for a short period
during transient conditions.
2 Short circuit currents
These currents will only occur under fault conditions,
and may be very high indeed. As we shall shortly show (see
{3.6.3 and 3.6.4})
such currents will open the protective devices very quickly.
These currents will not flow for long periods, so that under
such short-term circumstances the temperature of p.v.c.
insulation may be allowed to rise to 160°C.
The clearance time of the protective device
is governed by the adiabatic equation which is considered
more fully in {3.7.3}.